Wednesday, January 2, 2019

This page will focus on a specific feature.

Let's start by showing a standard sequence.
It's using the basic features found on IQGO.

Example 2
Write some stuff here.
Write here
Write more here.

Example 3
Write some stuff here.
Write here
Write more here.

Example 4
Write some stuff here.
Write here
Write more here.

Example 5
(cellpadding is set to "3").
Write here
Write more here.

Example 6
Write some stuff here.
Write here
Write more here.

Example 7
(using cellpadding 3)
Write some stuff here.
Write here
Write more here.

Example 8
(using cellpadding 3)
Write some stuff here.
Write here
Write more here.

Example 9
table border="0" cellpadding="8" cellspacing="3"
(I'm also increasing the width from 90% to 99%)

here's an average arrangement with no table border, and 2 cellpadding.
table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="3"

final example. using border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0"


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